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    killing 結果共14筆

  • Actor Wu Kang-ren spotted at Taipei murder trial

    Taiwanese actor Wu Kang-ren, winner of the best leading actor award at the 60th Golden Horse Awards, surprised attendees at the trial of a man surnamed Chung, who is accused of killing his father with a dumbbell. Despite wearing a mask, Wu’s presence caused a stir as he was recognized by the crowd. Wu declined to comment on his reasons for attending. The case involves a dispute over the purchase of a boxed meal that allegedly led to the fatal blow. The Taipei District Prosecutors Office filed charges in May, making this the second case to involve citizen judges. Due to Chung’s mental illness and lack of impulse control, the court ordered a temporary placement for six months. The court selected citizen judges prior to the trial, with six judges and four alternates chosen through a rigorous process.
    2023/12/07 19:10
  • 少女和男生跳舞竟遭「榮譽處決」 警衝現場救人仍慢一步

    巴基斯坦又傳出「榮譽處決」(Honor killing)的殘忍行為,有名18歲女孩因為被抓到與其他男孩跳舞而被村長判處死刑,家人26日更準備親自行刑,警方接獲消息後立刻衝到刑場救人,不過抵達時這名女孩已身亡,最終只救出她的女性友人,全案目前正在調查中。
    2023/11/28 18:00
  • YouTuber describes unique crosswalk habit in Taiwan

    A viral video by American YouTuber Tristan H. captures peculiar crosswalk behavior in Taiwan, igniting a broader discussion on the island’s traffic safety concerns. CNN calls Taiwan a "living hell" for pedestrians. This sparked a large "Stop Killing Pedestrians" rally and led to new traffic laws aimed at protecting pedestrians.
    2023/11/01 18:26
  • Taiwan VP deems China’s military exercises as election ploy

    Taiwanese Vice President Lai Ching-te condemned China’s recent military exercises in light of his transit through the U.S. during the "Stop Killing Pedestrians" march on Sunday. (Aug. 20)
    2023/08/21 12:00
  • Lai Ching-te vows to tackle road safety issues at Ketagalan

    Taiwan presidential candidates Lai Ching-te, Hou Yu-ih, Ko Wen-je, and Foxconn Founder Terry Gou,addressed crowds at the "Stop Killing Pedestrians" march on Ketagalan Boulevard on Sunday, August 20.
    2023/08/21 10:14
  • Taipower vehicle plunges in ravine, 4 dead and 2 injured

    A Taipower vehicle reportedly fell off a mountain in the Fuxing District of Taoyuan City on Thursday (Aug. 3) as Typhoon Khanun approached Taiwan, killing four and injuring two.
    2023/08/04 21:20
  • EXO回歸!預售創新高 節目飆唱14首名曲「聽哭粉絲」

    南韓人氣團體EXO睽違3年8個月推出第7張正規專輯《EXIST》,預售量創下職涯新高。而Dingo Music的Youtube節目「Killing voice」昨(11日)上架EXO篇,影片中EXO飆唱19分鐘,包含〈咆哮〉、〈LOVE ME RIGHT〉等14首名曲,讓粉絲「聽到哭」。
    2023/07/12 16:02
  • Pressure mounts for Tsai gov’t to tighten open prison rules

    President Tsai Ing-wen has been under public pressure to tighten laws for criminal transfer to open prisons, after the Agency of Corrections of the Ministry of Justice (MOJ) agreed to transfer a police-killing criminal surnamed Yi, known as the son of a renowned female star in Taiwan, to a minimum-security facility. 
    2023/07/10 17:27
  • 女孩父親拒認戀情 親手殺害小情侶、遺體綁石扔鱷魚池

    印度日前再次發生「榮譽處決」(Honor killing)的殘忍行為,根據當地媒體報導,中央邦(Madhya Pradesh)有一對19歲女孩與21歲男子的情侶,因為無法得到女方家人許可,兩人仍執意交往,讓女孩的父親與親人非常惱怒,竟然秘密殺害這對小情侶,甚至把兩人遺體扔入當地昌巴爾河(Chambal River)一處鱷魚棲息地,試圖藉此毀屍滅跡;最後因為失蹤多時引起警方注意,並在重點追查訊問後,突破部份家人心房才讓整件事曝光。
    2023/06/20 15:31
  • 蔣卓嘉揪2辣妹親密互動 周湯豪看不下去了!親自下海示範

    「GJ」蔣卓嘉推出首張全英文EP《This Summer Is Killing Me》,造型上拋開乖乖牌偶包,特別將黑髮漂成金髮,同名單曲MV更邀請到周湯豪(Nick)擔任導演,他一聽到歌曲就說:「這首歌聽起來蠻Sexy的,MV想要GJ表現出Sexy的一面。」於是安排兩位辣妹和蔣卓嘉一起演出,還親自下海示範如何在鏡頭前,以帥氣又性感姿勢跟女模特兒互動。
    2022/09/16 18:04
  • 不爽大叔拐妹私奔 印男「榮譽殺人」怒抄斧頭斬首

    不滿妹妹私奔居然痛下殺手!印度一名女子日前和年長許多的男友私奔結婚,親哥哥發現後勃然大怒,立刻抓起一把斧頭以「榮譽殺人」(Honour Killing)名義將妹夫斬首,隨後提著人頭至警局自首。
    2021/03/14 14:37
  • 不願同床小叔!嫩妻遭夫石頭砸死 父墓前哭喊

    儘管「性別平權」的議題受到多國重視,仍有不少國家將女性視為附屬品,地位相當低落。巴基斯坦發生一起「榮譽處決」(honour killing)案件,24歲女子由於拒絕「侍奉」丈夫的弟弟,慘遭夫家用石頭活活砸死,事後更將其分屍,手段相當殘忍。
    2020/07/10 12:30
  • 路邊驚見妙齡女屍 父、尪互控彼此「名譽殺人」

    儘管現在「男女平權」的意識高漲,但仍有不少國家和地區,女性在社會的地位非常低落。日前巴基斯坦發生一起命案,1名24歲的女子,被人發現陳屍在馬路旁邊,身上有多處傷痕。經過檢警初步研判,她是遭石頭和木棍狠砸打死。至於死者的父親和丈夫相互指控,是對方「名譽殺人」(honour killing)。
    2020/07/07 19:21
  • 潔西J打破六年紀錄!唱這首經典曲風光三連霸

    歌手潔西J在最新一集《歌手》演唱《Killing Me Softly With His Song》,時而溫柔時而強悍的嗓音,讓人聽得如癡如醉,也讓她蟬聯三次冠軍,成為該節目六年來第一個連續三集拿冠軍的歌手,相當風光!
    2018/01/27 10:36
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